Sometimes called the Blue & Yellow Macaw, Ara ararauna is a native resident of a vast region in South America, almost the entire northern half of the continent. The generally are forest and rainforest birds in their natural setting, often grouping in large numbers (called flocks), and usually they are paired up with a mate or another Blue and Gold friend. The species is still plentiful and commonly seen through much of its home range, although deforestation is wreaking havoc on the overall numbers of these stunning birds. It has completely disappeared from some parts of its original range. Fortunately, the Blue & Gold Macaw has been bred domestically in the United States and other countries for well over thirty years.
The Blue & Gold is a large bird, but not quite as large as Scarlet, Greenwing or Hyacinth Macaws. Its size and magnificent plummage is eye-catching indeed. An emerald crown gives way to a vibrant azure blue on the top of the head and across the back and wings. The primary wing feathers blend to a deep cobalt. The characteristic macaw facial skin patch is etched by approximately three thin lines of black feathers running just around the eyes, which turn to an expressive light green or grey at approximately 6 months of age, from their original "baby" color of a deep brown. Below the beak is a "beard" of black feathering, while the rest of the chest and underside are vibrant solid gold.
Hand-fed baby Blue & Gold Macaws make phenomenal pets! They are playful, comical, mischievous, extrememly intelligent, and often very warm and loving. Our Blue and Golds enjoy lying in our arms, on their backs, simply to be near to us.
The Blue & Gold Macaw has a well-deserved reputation as a relatively calm bird, which has been equated to the Golden Retriever of the parrot family. Being socialize properly here at All Macaws as a baby, our birds will be playful and ever-entertaining members of the family. B & Gs can learn tricks and are capable of speaking quite well with frequent voice interaction. However they do not mimic human voices the way African Greys and Amazons do in tone and inflection. They have their own voices, and aren't afraid to use them.
Macaws, and all parrots for that matter, require a great deal of attention and interaction. These are not pets to purchase, only to later take for granted. Smart and sensitive, the Blue & Gold Macaw will not be happy unless accepted as a full-fledged member of the household. The purchase of a Macaw is a long term investment, both physically and financially. Your bird may well outlive you, with a life expectancy of 60-80 years in a perpetual state of active toddlerhood. It is not uncommon to hear of people writing their birds into their wills, which is a very responsible thing to do.
They should be housed in very large cages, and we highly recommend the Kings cage, minimum size being the model 406, which will allow for play, wing-flapping and other bird fun to eliminate boredom while caged. A cage which does not allow a bird to fully outstretch its wings, with about a foot to spare on either side and provide plenty of tail clearance from the bottom, is too small. Food, toys and a variety of fresh, and importantly UNTREATED branches will help keep your macaw happy and satiated while in his/her cage. Be sure you do your research, or ask your veterinarian, prior to giving your bird any fresh woods you are not certain are bird safe. Yes, there are highly toxic woods out there that can seriously harm, and even kill your bird.
Your Macaw should be given plently of time daily outside their cage. Many pet Macaws are provided freedom to roam in certain rooms, others have designated play areas that provide them a change of scenery from their cage. Our playstands are perfect for this playtime outside of the cage. Any play area must be baby proofed. Think on their level! They will go after your power cords, they will chew your wooden furniture and anything that is within their grasp. This isn't something they are doing out of spite, they simply need you to provide them a safe place to play, and should be constantly supervised when not caged. Outdoor play areas are a wonderful treat for your Macaw. A regular dose of outdoor playtime, with exposure to sun and fresh air, will help keep your Macaw healthy and happy. Ideally, your Macaw will have a variety of household areas where it can be with its flock (yes, that would be you!). The Blue & Gold Macaw loves nothing more than being included in the daily family activities. Try sock sorting with your Macaw, they're quite adept at it!
Your Blue and Gold Macaw needs a balanced diet consisting of a wide variety of "people food" -- veggies, fruits, beans and grains. Commercial pelleted diets can provide a supplement, but should not be used exclusively or as the main part of your birds diet. Seed and nut mixes formulated for the large birds, such as our All Macaws Signature Line Deluxe Seed and Nut Macaw Diet, should be used as the main part of your babies diet, but should never constitute your Macaw's entire diet.